Transformative Role of Power Electronics In solving climate emergency by Rajendra Singh, Prahaladh Paniyil, and Zheyu Zhang L Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2022.3169317 Date of current version: 16 June 2022 2329-9207/22©2022IEEE ong term shifts in weather patterns and temperature are referred to as climate change. Hotter temperatures, more severe storms, increased droughts, food and water insecurity, and economic disruption, etc. are all due to climate change. According to NASA, " Human activities (primarily the burning of fossil fuels) have fundamentally increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, warming the planet " [1]. One of the most difficult challenges faced by humanity is to solve the climate emergency [2]. In addition to the climate June 2022 z IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 39 © S H U T T E R S T O C K . C O M / 9 C O M E B A C K