©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/ANDREI KUZMIK Reliability Evaluation of SiC MOSFETs Under Realistic Power Cycling Tests by Masoud Farhadi, Bhanu Teja Vankayalapati, and Bilal Akin T Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2023.3271621 Date of publication: 27 June 2023 2329-9207/23©2023IEEE June 2023 z IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 49 he past decade has witnessed increasing migration from silicon (Si) to silicon carbide (SiC) in power electronics applications. This is due to the unique advantages of SiC over Si counterparts, like higher breakdown field, higher band gap, and higher thermal conductivity [1], [2]. Therefore, SiC devices can operate at faster switchinghttp://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/ANDREI