Driven by Density, Efficiency at Low Cost, Power Integration Reaches New Heights PSiPs and PwrSoCs are growing faster than the traditional power supplies by Ashok Bindra Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2022.3141293 Date of current version: 17 February 2022 ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/BIDAALA STUDIO F or decades, miniaturization has been the trend in the power supply world. Consumers have been demanding more functions from smaller systems with better performance and reliability at lower cost. Such advances are evident in today's laptops, tablets, smartphones, industrial drives and a host of other consumer and industrial applications. To meet these 14 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE z March 2022 2329-9207/22©2022IEEEhttp://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/BIDAALA