©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/MACRO PHOTO Monolithic Bidirectional Power Transistors Opening New Horizons in Power Electronics by Jonas Huber and Johann W. Kolar oday's global megatrends-loosely defined as long-term trends that shape societies and economies worldwide-include, e.g., the transition to a fully renewable energy supply and the establishment of evermore stringent efficiency requirements for industry. Similarly, the trend of rapid global urbanization creates a need for sustainable mobility. The digital disruption contributes to increased electricity demand but on the other hand enables solutions such as smart energy networks or design, control, and T Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2023.3234747 Date of publication: 3 March 2023 28 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE z March 2023 2329-9207/23©2023IEEEhttp://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/MACRO