by Bruna Seibel Gehrke, Filipe Vieira, Montiê Alves Vitorino IEEE PELS/IAS SBC at UFCG Hosts Fifth Edition of Tech Talk he PELS National Activity Brazil is a group that gathers the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) B r a z i l Student Branch Chapters (SBC) to collaborate on activities and events. One of these events is Tech Talk, which is an activity where relevant and current topics in power electronics are discussed to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience among the participants. On 27 May 2021, the IEEE PELS/ Industry Applications Society (IAS) SBC at the Federal Un iver s i t y of Campina Grande (UFCG) organized and hosted the fifth edition Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2021.3099552 Date of current version: 13 September 2021 T FIG 1 The attendees of the fifth edition of Tech Talk. of Tech Talk. The host of this event was Bruna Gehrke (IEEE PELS/IAS SBC Chair at UFCG) and the invited speaker was Prof. Armando Abrantes (Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio De Janeiro), who gave a presentation with the topic " Grid-Forming Inverters as a Solution for Low Inertia Electrical Systems " (Figure 1). During his presentation, Prof. Abrantes highl ighted the main differences between grid forming inverters (GFM) and grid followers (GFL) in the context of electrical grids with high insertion of inertia-free energy sources and distributed generation. The differences showed how the application of GFM inverters can be a solution for the stable operation of power systems. Prof. Abrantes also explained the main control strategies of GFM. The event had close to 50 attendees who listened in from d i fferent parts of Brazil. The IEEE PELS/IAS SBC at UFCG would like to thank Prof. Abrantes for his presentation at the fifth edition of Tech Talk. | | NORWE-Anz-IEEE-Power-Electronics_124x86.indd 1 80 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE z September 2021 10.03.21 16:30