by Ashutosh Yadav IEEE PELS SBC at HBTI Organizes PELS Day Event O n 20 June 2023, the IEEE PELS Student Branch Chapter (SBC) at the Harcourt Butler Technological Institute (HBTI) in Kanpur organized an event to celebrate PELS Day 2023. To begin the day, there were three talks presented by different experts in the power electronics field. The first one was delivered by Dr. Sanjeev Pannala (assistant research professor at the Energy System Innovation Center, USA) and had the theme " Power System Operat ional Cha l lenges wit h Inverter-Based Resources. " This presentat ion shed light on the complexities faced when integrating renewable energy resources into the power grid. The second one was had the theme " Applications of Power Electronics in the Field of Renewables and EVs: RealTime Studies " and was presented by Dr. Gururaj Mirle Vishwanath (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur). The talk included valuable insights into the practical applications and real-time studies in the domains of renewable energy and electric vehicles (EV). The last presentat ion was by Dr. Sanjiv Kumar (Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur) on the topic " Recent Trends and Applications of Power Electronics. " This presentation showcased the cutting-edge developments in the field. Once the presentations were completed, a quiz and poster-making competition focusing on the industrial applications of power electronics were held to allow participants to demonstrate the knowledge they gained from the talks (Figure 1). The IEEE PELS SBC at HBTI in Kanpur is pleased with the success of the event and would like to thank the presenters for coming and giving presentations to those in attendance. FIG 1 Participants of the poster-making competition Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPEL.2023.3303116 Date of publication: 26 September 2023 September 2023 z IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 95