Figure 1. Agility Robotics cofounders Mikhail Jones (left) and Jonathan Hurst showcase their bipedal robot system and answer questions during an exposition presentation. (Photo courtesy of Tom Wedlick.) Figure 2. Dan Kara of ABI Research discusses the current state of the robotics industry and predicts future trends. (Photo courtesy of Tom Wedlick.) Figure 3. UnitDoseOne Chief Operating Officer Staszek Radomin'ski (left) and Chief Executive Officer Jakub MusiaĆek (right) stand with their robotic pharmacy system and hold the award check they won in the start-up pitch competition. (Photo courtesy of Tom Wedlick.) and drug administration efficiency by automating hospital pharmacies (Figure 3). The conference also featured one-on-one meetings with venture capitalists and panel discussions on intellectual property protection. The Chief Robotics Officer Summit preceded the conference. During this half-day meeting, executives with corporate responsibility for implementing robotics within their companies convened to discuss strategies and lessons learned. RoboBusiness 2018 will again take place in September in California.