IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE * december 2018 Environment Perception (Raw Data) Raw Perception Data High-Level Control Primitives Low-Level Navigation and Manipulation Control ROV Low-Level Objective 3: Telemetry Control ROV Autonomy Loop ROV Semiautonomous ROV Navigation and Manipulation ROV Telemetry Objective 4: Dexterous Force-Feedback Manipulators and Effectors ROV High-Level Control Primitives 3-D Environment Models, Video Data, ROV Telemetry Objective 1: Latencies Mitigation User's Arms and Hands Position and Force Sensing Cognitive Engine Captured User Demonstration Information Simulation Framework Visual and Haptic Information Onshore Control Center Haptic and Visual User Interfaces (Rendering and Sensing) Objective 5: ForceFeedback Exoskeleton Interfaces Figure 1. Underwater manipulation from an onshore control center lessens operation costs and eases the involvement of mission-specific experts, but it requires increased autonomous intelligent functions to compensate for latency and bandwidth constraints. An overview of our system components and their interplay is shown here. Com: communication. (Images courtesy of DexROV consortium.) Objective 2: 3-D Perception and Modeling Online Data Processing (SLAM + 3-D Models Generation) Vessel 3-D Environment Models Offshore Operations Satellite Link with Latency Satellite Com Interface * Satellite Com Interface 26