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Florenz Graf, Department of Robot and Assistive Systems,
Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart 70569, Germany. E-mail: florenz.
Jochen Lindermayr, Department of Robot and Assistive Systems,
Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart 70569, Germany. E-mail:
Çağatay Odabaşi, Department of Robot and Assistive Systems,
Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart 70569, Germany. E-mail: cagatay.
Marco F. Huber, Center for Cyber Cognitive Intelligence,
Fraunhofer IPA, and Institute of Industrial Manufacturing
and Management IFF, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart 70569,
Germany. E-mail:

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - December 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - December 2022

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