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algorithm [2]. The computational limitations of sparse GPs can
be mitigated, to an extent, by the use of sparse GP approximations. We also provided a head-to-head comparison between
the two algorithms presented here. GP-VI-MFRL (the modelbased version) performs better than GPQ-MFRL (the modelfree version) in the beginning, which is consistent with the
outcomes for traditional RL techniques, where model-based
algorithms tend to perform better than model-free ones.
An immediate future work is to compare the MFRL
technique with sim2real approaches [1]. Unlike sim2real,
the presented MFRL techniques explicitly decide when to
switch between simulators and use more than two levels
of simulators. An interesting avenue of future work
would be to combine the two ideas: use MFRL to model
the fact that some simulators are cheaper/faster to operate than others and use parameterized simulators to
bring in domain adaptation/randomization for better
generalization. Finally, in the current approach, data
from different simulators are not combined when GP
regression is performed.
One possibility for improvement is to use multitask GPs
that can simultaneously produce multiple outputs, one corresponding to each fidelity simulator. Multitask GPs [21] can
produce multiple outputs simultaneously, one corresponding
to each simulator. An alternative is to use deep GPs to combine data from various fidelities as part of the same network.
In both cases, the goal is to learn the correlation between values in different environments directly.
This work has been funded by the Center for Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (C-UAS), a National Science Foundation-
sponsored industry/university cooperative research center
under NSF award IIP-1161036, along with significant
contributions from C-UAS industry members. This work
was performed when the authors were with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia
Tech, Blacksburg.

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JUNE 2020

Varun Suryan, Department of Computer Science, University
of Maryland College Park. Email:
Nahush Gondhalekar, Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, California.
Pratap Tokekar, Department of Computer Science, University
of Maryland College Park. Email:

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - Cover1
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - Cover2
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - Contents
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - 2
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - 3
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - 4
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - 5
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - 6
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