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perceptual system with invariance to contact motion. As
demonstrated here, appropriately trained deep NNs can solve
that problem.
We thank NVIDIA for the donation of the Titan Xp GPU
used for this research. This work was supported by an award
from the Leverhulme Trust for "A Biomimetic Forebrain for
Robot Touch" (RL-2016-39). Nathan F. Lepora and John
Lloyd contributed equally to this work.
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Nathan F. Lepora, Department of Engineering Mathematics,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol and Bristol
Robotics Laboratory, United Kingdom. Email: n.lepora@bris
John Lloyd, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty
of Engineering, University of Bristol and Bristol Robotics
Laboratory, United Kingdom. Email:

JUNE 2020






IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020

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IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - Cover2
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine - June 2020 - Contents
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