2017 RAS ADCOM E L E C T I O N C A L L F O R N O M I N A T I O N S The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society membership will elect six new members of the Administrative Committee in 2017, each to serve a three-year term beginning in January of 2018. The AdCom is the governing body of the Society. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ADCOM MEMBERS AdCom members must attend two formal meetings each year, one in conjunction with ICRA and the other usually in October/November in conjunction with another major conference. Each AdCom member is expected to serve on at least two of boards and/or committees of the Society. ELIGIBILITY Any higher-grade member of the Society is eligible to serve and all higher-grade members plus graduate students may nominate candidates and vote. TO NOMINATE A CANDIDATE To nominate a candidate or offer yourself as a candidate, contact the Society at ras@ieee.org by 15 May 2017. PETITION CANDIDATES Candidates may also petition to be on the ballot. All persons who, by the deadline, submit petitions with valid signatures and IEEE member numbers with at least 2% of the year-end voting membership will be placed on the ballot. Only original signatures on paper or electronic signatures submitted through the RAS petition website will be accepted. Faxed or emailed signatures are NOT acceptable. Contact RAS at ras@ieee.org to obtain a paper petition form or to set up an electronic petition. Completed petitions must be submitted by 15 May 2015 to be placed on the ballot. SELECTION OF FINAL BALLOT The Nominations Committee will consider all nominations and petitions and select the candidates to be placed on the ballot. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MRA.2017.2672160