not receive any infection report during conference time. Thankfully, the conference was blessed with great weather. IROS 2022 organized outdoor events easier for networking, which could not be performed without the brilliant weather. Two cultural workshops (Figures 14 and 15), Shodo (Japanese calligraphy) and Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement), were offered to share Japanese culture. Another cultural tradition, Sado [Japanese tea ceremony, (Figures 16 and 17)], was also performed. There were social events for students and young researchers, providing the opportunity to meet and interact with leaders in the field of FIGURE 12. IROS 2022 exhibitions. FIGURE 15. Cultural experience activity: " Ikebana " flower arrangement workshop. FIGURE 13. IROS 2022 exhibitions. FIGURE 16. " Sado " Japanese Tea Ceremony. FIGURE 14. Cultural experience activity: " Shodo " calligraphy workshop. 12 IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE MARCH 2023 2 FIGURE 17. " Sado " Japanese Tea Ceremony.