Call for Student aCtivitieS Comittee (SaC) Chair and Co-ChairS deadline: 31 oCtober 2013 The new SAC Chair will serve 2014-2015 and two SAC Co-chairs for 2014. The SAC aims to support the student members of RAS through programs that provide an exclusive resource to career and industry contacts and knowledge. The SAC Chair and Co-Chairs will drive these initatives as well as serving as liasons to a number of RAS standing committees. The SAC Chair serves as a voting member of the RAS Administrative Committee. If you wish to be considered, please send the following information to the Vice President for Member Activities, Stefano Stramigioli at and SAC Chair, Laura Margheri at 1. A letter indicating why you are interested in serving on the SAC (2 pages maximum) 2. A copy of your CV or resumé (2 pages maximum) 3. A letter of support from a faculty member at your college or university, who is a member of IEEE RAS. By joining the SAC as representative or volunteer, you will have the opportunity to enlarge your vision and perspectives, so don't miss it! Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MRA.2013.2272209