given at A snapshot of this setting can be seen in Figure 14. YCB Block Pick-and-Place Protocol and Benchmark Manual dexterity and the manipulation of small objects are critical skills for robots in several contexts. The block pickand-place protocol is designed to test a robot's ability to grasp small objects and transfer them to a specified location. This task is an important test of both arm and gripper hardware and motion planning software, as both contribute to overall dexterity. Points are awarded based on completion and precision of the manipulation. We executed this test on the HERB robot [61], as seen in Figure 15. An image of the printed layout with the placed blocks after task completion can be seen in Figure 16. The results show that the robot is not able to succeed in precise pick-and-place task. The main reason is the utilized open-loop grasping approach. The robot executes a robust push grasp strategy, which allows it to grasp the blocks successfully. However, the pose of the block with respect to the gripper is not known precisely after the grasp. This prevents placing the blocks accurately to the target locations. YCB Peg-Insertion Learning-Assessment Protocol and Benchmark The peg-insertion learning-assessment benchmark is designed to allow comparison among various learning tech- niques. The benchmark measures the performance of a learned peg-insertion action under various positioning perturbations. The perturbations are applied by moving the peg board to a random direction for certain amount of distance. We applied this benchmark to assess the performance of a learned linear-Gaussian controller using a PR2 robot [66] (Figure 17). The state of the controller consists of the joint angles and angular velocities of the robot as well as the positions and velocities of three points in the space The Model T42 is able of the end effector (three points to fully define a to provide stable power rigid body configuration). No information is availgrasps for large objects able to the controller at run time except for this and precision grasps state information. The results show that the for small objects. learned controller shows reasonable performance, with four successes out of ten trials, for the case of 5-mm position perturbation to a random direction. This success rate can be achieved by executing the controller for only 1 s. However, the performance does not improve, even if the controller is run for a longer period of time. In the case of 10-mm position perturbation, the controller fails completely. We are planning to learn the same task with different learning techniques and compare their performances using the benchmark. (a) (b) Figure 14. The simulation environment for the table-setting benchmark. This environment can be spawned using the URDF provided at Figure 16. (a) and (b) The results of the block pick-and-place benchmark. Figure 15. The HERB robot implementing the peg-insertion learning-assessment benchmark. Figure 17. The PR2 executing the peg-insertion learningassessment benchmark. September 2015 * IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE * 49