Signal Processing - September 2016 - 35

Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan (
is an assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE) Department at Carnegie Mellon
University. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University
of Maryland, College Park, where he was awarded the distinguished dissertation fellowship by the ECE Department in
2009. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the digital signal
processing group at Rice University. His research encompasses problems in compressive sensing and computational imaging. He has received best paper awards at the Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition Workshops on Computational
Cameras and Displays (2015) and Analysis and Modeling of
Faces and Gestures (2010).
Ashok Veeraraghavan ( is an assistant
professor of electrical and computer engineering at Rice
University, Texas, where he directs the Computational
Imaging and Vision Lab. He received his bachelor's degree in
electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, in 2002 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Maryland, College Park, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. His research interests are broadly in the areas of computational imaging, computer vision, and robotics. Prior to joining
Rice University, he spent three years as a research scientist at
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
His thesis received the doctoral dissertation award from the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Maryland.


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September 2016


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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Signal Processing - September 2016

Signal Processing - September 2016 - Cover1
Signal Processing - September 2016 - Cover2
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 1
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 2
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 3
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 4
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 5
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 6
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 7
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 8
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 9
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 10
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 11
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 12
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 13
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 14
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 15
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 16
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 17
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 18
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 19
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 20
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 21
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 22
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 23
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 24
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 25
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 26
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 27
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 28
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 29
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 30
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 31
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 32
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 33
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Signal Processing - September 2016 - 35
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 36
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Signal Processing - September 2016 - Cover3
Signal Processing - September 2016 - Cover4