Signal Processing - September 2016 - 69

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John Restrepo ( received his physics engineering degree and his master's degree in physics from
the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin campus, in
2008 and 2010, respectively. He continued his research work
with an internship at the Cluster of Excellence, Multimodal
Computing and Interaction, at Saarland University, Germany.
Since 2013, he has been pursuing his doctorate in computer
science at the Université de Bordeaux, France, working at the
Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Research Institute.
Loïs Mignard-Debise ( is
currently a Ph.D. degree student at the INRIA Bordeaux SudOuest research institute, France. He received an M.S. degree
in optics from the Institut d'Optique Graduate School,
Palaiseau, France, in 2014.

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September 2016




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Signal Processing - September 2016

Signal Processing - September 2016 - Cover1
Signal Processing - September 2016 - Cover2
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 1
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 2
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 3
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 4
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 5
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 6
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 7
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 8
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 9
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 10
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 11
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 12
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 13
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 14
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 15
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 16
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 17
Signal Processing - September 2016 - 18
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Signal Processing - September 2016 - 21
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