IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 119
denote random vectors, whereas uppercase italic letters, e.g., X, denote scalar
random variables. Lowercase boldfaced
letters, e.g., x, denote real vectors (including samples of random vectors), and lowercase italic letters, e.g., x, denote scalar
real numbers (including samples of scalar
random variables). Boldfaced capital letters, e.g., F, are used to denote real matrices. Uppercase italic letters, e.g., N, may be
also used to denote the dimensions of vectors, matrices, and Euclidean spaces and to
denote the number of elements in finite sets;
in those cases, the distinction with scalar
random variables is either implied in
context or noted explicitly in the text.
Let {X n}, n $ 0 be a sequence of
hidden (i.e., unobserved) continuous random vectors taking values in 0 N . Likewise, let {Yn, r}, n $ 0 be a sequence of
observed continuous random vectors taking values in 0 L such that the sequence
{Yn, r} is available at the rth node of a network of R sensors. The sequences {X n}
and {Yn, r} are related, for n $ 0 and
r ! {1, 2, f, R}, by the discrete-time,
stochastic state-space model
X n +1 = fn (X n) + G n U n
Yn, r = h n, r (X n) + Vn, r,
where the continuous random vectors
X 0, {U n} and {Vn, r} are assumed mutually independent for all n $ 0 and all
r ! {1, 2, f, R}; U n and Vn, r have zero
mean and covariance matrices respectively Q n and R n, r; and fn: 0 N " 0 N
and h n, r: 0 N " 0 L are arbitrary (possibly nonlinear) functions that are assumed
known for all n $ 0 and all indexes
r ! {1, 2, f, R}. In (1) and (2), U n and
Vn, r take values, respectively, in 0 M and
0 L, and G n is a real matrix of dimension
N # M that is known for all n $ 0.
Figure 1 presents the corresponding
hidden Markov model for (1) and (2) at
node r.
Our goal is to recursively estimate
the value x n assumed by X n at instant
n given the observed vector y 0: n, 1: R that
collects the values assumed by {Yk, r}
for k = 0, 1, f, n and r = 1, 2, f, R.
Assuming continuous-valued hidden
states, the aforementioned estimation task
requires the recursive computation of the
global network posterior probability den-
sity function (pdf) p (x n | y 0: n, 1: R) at each
time instant n $ 0. The desired minimum
mean-square error (MMSE) state estimate
is then given by xt n | n = E {X n|y 0: n, 1: R},
where E {X | y} denotes the expected value
of the random vector X given the observed
real vector y.
A special case of the general statespace model in (1) and (2), which is of particular interest in this lecture note, is the
linear state-space model
X n +1 = Fn X n + G n U n
p (x n |y 0: n, 1: R) ? = % p (y n, r | x n)G
r =1
# p (x n | y 0: n -1, 1: R),
where the symbol ? here denotes proportional to with the implied normalization
constant such that the function on the lefthand side of the symbol integrates to one.
When observations y 0, 1:R are available,
the recursions in (5) and (6) are initialized
by making p (x 0 |y 0: -1, 1:R) = p (x 0).
Equation (6) can be implemented either
in a data fusion center that has access to all
network measurements at each time instant
or by computing the products on the righthand side of (6) over the network using
a distributed processing algorithm such
as iterative flooding [8]. Although more
efficient than average or min/max consensus algorithms, the exact fully distributed
implementation of the optimal network filter using flooding still has a very large internode communication cost. Furthermore, as
each node is a potential point of failure in a
flooding protocol, the method lacks robustness. To circumvent those limitations, we
turn our attention in the next sections to
alternative diffusion filters.
Yn, r = H n, r X n + Vn, r,
where the random vectors X 0, {U n} and
{Vn, r}, in addition to being mutually independent, are also assumed jointly Gaussian for n $ 0 and r ! {1, 2, 3, f, R},
and Fn and H n, r are, respectively, N # N
and L # N real matrices that are again
assumed known for all n $ 0 and all
r ! {1, 2, f, R} .
Optimal solution
Under the mutual independence as sumptions described in the "Problem
Statement" section, it follows, using
the total probability theorem and Bayes
law, that the desired posterior pdf
p (x n | y 0: n, 1: R) is obtained recursively
from p (x n -1 |y 0: n -1, 1: R) in two steps: the
prediction step shown in (5) and the
update step shown in (6); see also [7]:
p (x n | y 0: n -1, 1: R) =
ATC diffusion filter
In the sequel, we review the Bayesian formulation of the ATC diffusion filter as
proposed in [4]. The ATC methodology
assumes that, at instant n - 1, each network node r has an available posterior pdf
p n -1 | n -1, r (x n) that actually depends on all
network measurements that have contributed to its computation from instant zero
6 p (x n | x n -1)
# p (x n -1 |y 0: n -1, 1: R)@ dx n -1
Un - 2
Un - 1
Gn - 2
fn - 2 (.)
Gn - 1
fn - 1 (.)
Xn - 1
Vn - 1, r
fn (.)
Vn, r
Xn + 1
fn + 1 (.)
Vn + 1, r
hn - 1, r (.)
hn , r (.)
Yn - 1, r
Yn , r
hn + 1, r (.)
Yn + 1, r
Figure 1. The hidden Markov model.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
May 2018
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - Contents
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 2
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 3
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 4
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 5
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 6
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 7
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 8
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 9
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 10
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 11
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 12
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 13
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 14
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 15
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 16
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 17
IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - 18
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IEEE Signal Processing - May 2018 - Cover4