IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 37
need to redefine max-outlier-frac-row as
Technically, dynamic RPCA is the
One way to ensure that
the maximum nonzero fraction per row in
offline version of the aforementioned probL is not sparse is by
any a-consecutive-column submatrix of
lem. Define matr ices L, S, W, M with
requiring that its left and
L = [, 1, , 2, f, d] and M, S, W similarly
S. We refer to it as max-outlier-frac-rowa.
right singular vectors are
defined. The goal is to recover the matrix L
Here a is the mini-batch size used by the
dense or "incoherent" with RST algorithm.
and its column space with e error.
t t l) P t o
respect to a sparse vector.
Lastly, as we will see, if one also assumes
We u s e SE (Pt , P) : = (I - PP
a lower bound on outlier magnitudes (uses
measure the subspace error (distance)
the model that outliers are large magnitude
between the subspaces spanned by the colcorruptions), it can help significantly relax the required upper
umns of P and Pt . This measures the sine of the maximum
bound on max-outlier-frac-rowa, while also allowing for a fast,
principal angle between the two subspaces. It is symmetric
when the two subspaces have equal dimension. Here and elseonline, and memory-efficient algorithm.
where $ denotes the induced l 2 norm and ' denotes matrix
Static robust principal component analysis: A summary
The first provably correct and polynomial complexity solution
to RPCA was introduced in [4]. It involves solving a convex
Identifiability and other assumptions
program that they called PC pursuit (PCP). The same program
The previously given problem definitions do not ensure identiwas introduced and studied in parallel [5] and later work [6]
fiability since either L or S can be both low rank and sparse.
as an S+LR solution. While polynomial complexity is better
For the unfamiliar reader, we explain this point in detail in
than exponential, it is still too slow for today's big data sets.
the section "Understanding Identifiability Issues." One way to
Moreover, the number of iterations needed for a convex proensure that L is not sparse is by requiring that its left and right
gram solver to get to within an e ball of the true solution of the
singular vectors are dense or "incoherent" with respect to a
sparse vector [4].
convex program is O (1/e), and thus the typical complexity for
a PCP solver is O (nd 2 /e) [8]. To address this issue, a provably
correct alternating minimization (alt-min) solution called AltDefinition 2.1 (μ-incoherence/denseness)
Proj was introduced in [8]. This has much lower time complexn
We say that an
basis matrix (a matrix with mutually
ity and still works under the same assumptions as PCP. The
orthonormal columns) P is μ-incoherent if
following holds [8].
max P (i) # n rL ,
i = 1, 2, f, n
where P (i) denotes the ith row of P and n $ 1 is the (in)coherence parameter. It quantifies the nondenseness of P.
One way to ensure that S is not low rank is by imposing upper bounds on max-outlier-frac-row and max-outlierfrac-col.
Consider the RST problem. If the r-dimensional subspaces
change at each time, there are too many unknown parameters
making the subspace tracking problem unidentifiable. One
way to ensure identifiability is to assume that they are piecewise constant [7], [27], i.e., that
P(t) = Pj for all t ! [t j, t j + 1), j = 1, 2, f , J,
with t 0 = 1 and t J + 1 = d, and to lower bound t j + 1 - t j by
a number more than r. With this model, rL = rJ in general
(except if subspace directions are repeated more than once).
Left and right incoherence of L and outlier fraction bounds
on S are again needed. The union of the column spans of all
the Pj s is equal to the span of the left singular vectors of L.
Thus, left incoherence is equivalent to assuming that the Pj s
are μ-incoherent. One can replace right incoherence by an independent identically distributed assumption on the a t s, along
with boundedness of each element of a t. As explained in [27],
the two assumptions are similar. The latter is more suited for
RST since it involves online estimation. Since RST algorithms
are online and often operate on mini-batches of data, we also
Theorem 2.2 (Alternating projection guarantee for robust
principal component analysis)
Let L = URV l. If 1) U, V are μ-incoherent, 2) max (max2
outlier-frac-row, max-outlier-frac-col) # ncrL , 3) W F # Ce 2,
and 4) algorithm parameters are appropriately set, then AltProj
returns Lt , St with Lt - L F # e, and St - S max # e/ md in
time O (ndr 2L log (1/e)) .
An even faster solution that relied on projected gradient descent (GD), called RPCA-GD, was proposed in [10]. If
condition numbers are treated as constants, its complexity is
only O (ndrL log (1/e)) . This is comparable to that of vanilla
r-SVD for simple PCA; however, this approach needs outlier
fraction bounds to be rL times tighter. Another algorithm
that relies on the recursive projected compressive sensing
(CS) (ReProCS) approach and has the same time complexity as RPCA-GD is called nearly optimal RST via ReProCS
(ReProCS-NORST) [27], [28]. This is also online (after initialization); has much lower, and nearly optimal, memory complexity of O (nrL log n log (1/e)); and has outlier tolerance that
is better than even AltProj. But it needs two extra assumptions:
lower bound on most outlier magnitudes, and fixed or slow
subspace change. For a similar setting, a recent RMC solution, called nearly optimal RMC (NO-RMC), is also applicable
[17]. It is the fastest RPCA solution with a time complexity of
just O (nr 2L log 2 n log 2 (1/e)), but it needs d . n. As we explain
later, this is a strong assumption for video data. It achieves this
speed-up by deliberately undersampling M and solving RMC.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
July 2018
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Contents
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 2
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 3
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 4
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 5
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 6
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 7
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 8
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 9
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 10
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 11
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 12
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 13
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 14
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 15
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