IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 42
S (in the sense that the normalized inner product between the
two matrices is not too large). Let L = URV l be the reduced
(rank-rL ) SVD of L. Since the left and right singular vectors,
U and V, have unit Euclidean norm columns, the simplest way
to ensure that the columns are dense (nonsparse) is to assume
that the magnitude of each entry of U and V is small enough.
In the best (most dense) case, all their entries would be equal
and just differ in signs. Thus, all entries of U will have magnitude 1/ n , and all those of V will have magnitude 1/ d . A
slightly weaker assumption than this, but one that suffices, is
to assume an upper bound on the Euclidean norms of each row
of U and of V. Consider U, which is n # rL . In the best (most
dense) case, each of its rows will have norm rL /n . Incoherence or denseness means that each of its rows has a norm that
is within a constant fraction of this number. Using the definition of the incoherence parameter n given previously, this
is equivalent to saying that U is μ-incoherent with n being a
numerical constant. All RPCA guarantees require that both U
and V are μ-incoherent. One of the first two (parallel) guarantees for PCP [4] also made the following stronger assumption,
which we will refer to as strong incoherence:
i = 1, 2, f, n, j = 1, 2, f, d
(UV l ) i, j #
rL .
This says that the inner product between a row of U and a row
of V is upper bounded. Observe that the required bound is
1/ rL times what left and right incoherence would imply (by
using Cauchy-Schwartz inequality).
Older robust principal component analysis solutions:
Robust subspace learning [2] and variants
The S+LR definition for RPCA was introduced in [4]. However, even before this, many good heuristics existed for solving
RPCA. The ones that were motivated by video applications did
implicitly model outliers as sparse corruptions in the sense that
a data vector (image) was assumed to contain pixel-wise outliers (occluded pixels). The most well known among these is
the RSL [2] approach. In later work, other authors also tried to
develop incremental versions of this approach [35], [36]. The
main idea of all these algorithms is to detect the outlier data
entries and either replace their values using nearby values [36]
or weight each data point in proportion to its reliability (thus
soft-detecting and down-weighting the detected outliers) [2],
[35]. Outlier detection is done by projecting the data vectors
orthogonal to the current subspace estimate and thresholding out large entries of the resulting vector. As seen from the
exhaustive experimental comparisons shown in [12], the online
heuristics fail in all experiments-both for simulated and real
data. On the other hand, the original RSL method [2] remains
a good practical heuristic.
Convex optimization-based solution: Principal
component pursuit
The first solution to S+LR was introduced in parallel works
by Candès et al. [4] (where they called it a solution to RPCA)
and by Chandrasekharan et al. [5]. Both proposed to solve
the following convex program, which was referred to as PCP
in [4]:
min L
u , Su
+ m Su
u + Su .
subject to M = L
Here, A 1 denotes the vector l 1 norm of the matrix A (sum
of absolute values of all its entries), and A * denotes the
nuclear norm (sum of its singular values). The nuclear norm
can be interpreted as the l 1 norm of the vector of singular values of the matrix. In other literature, it is also called the Schatten-1 norm. PCP is the first known polynomial time solution to
RPCA that is also provably correct. Reference [4] both gave a
simple correctness result and showed how PCP outperformed
existing work at the time for the video analytics application.
Why it works
It is well known from CS literature (and earlier) that the vector l 1 norm serves as a convex surrogate for the support size
(number of nonzero entries) of a vector (or vectorized matrix).
In a similar fashion, the nuclear norm serves as a convex surrogate for the rank of a matrix. Thus, while the program that
u and sparsity of Su involves an
tries to minimize the rank of L
impractical combinatorial search, the above program is convex
and solvable in polynomial time.
Time and memory complexity
The complexity of solving a convex program depends on the
iterative algorithm (solver) used to solve it. Most solvers have
time complexity that is more than linear in the matrix dimension: a typical complexity is O (nd 2) per iteration [8]. Also,
they typically need O (1/e) iterations to return a solution that is
within e error of the true solution of the convex program [8].
Thus the typical complexity is O (nd 2 /e). PCP operates on the
entire matrix, so memory complexity is O (nd).
Nonconvex solutions: Alternating minimization
To obtain faster algorithms, in more recent works, authors have
tried to develop provably correct algorithms that rely on either
alt-min or projected GD. Both alt-min and GD have been used
for a long time as practical heuristics for trying to solve various
nonconvex programs. The initialization either came from other
prior information, or multiple random initializations were used
to run the algorithm and the "best" final output was picked.
The new ingredient in these provably correct solutions is a
carefully designed initialization scheme that already outputs
an estimate that is "close enough" to the true one.
For RPCA, the first provably correct nonconvex solution was AltProj [8]. This borrows some ideas from an earlier algorithm called go decomposition (GoDec) [37]. AltProj
works by projecting the residual at each step onto the space of
either sparse matrices or onto the space of low-rank matrices.
The approach proceeds in stages with the first stage projecting onto the space of rank rt = 1 matrices, while increasing
the support size of the sparse matrix estimate at each iteration
in the stage. In the second stage, rt = 2 is used and so on for
a total of r stages. Consider stage one. AltProj is initialized
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
July 2018
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Contents
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 2
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 3
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 4
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 5
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 6
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 7
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 8
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 9
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 10
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 11
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 12
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 13
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 14
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 15
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 16
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 17
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 18
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