IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 49

kth order statistic (kth largest entry) among the "clean" data
points in the current iteration (Pt ) jl m i , i = 1, 2, f, d and ^ Pt hj
denotes the jth column of Pt . In the first iteration, all points are
treated as "clean points." In consecutive iterations, this number
is reduced by one by using "random removal" done as follows:
the probability of a point m i being removed is proportional
to R rj = 1 ^(Pt ) lj m ih . In the end, the algorithm compares the
subspace estimates from all iterations and picks the one with
largest TV. The guarantee given for HR-PCA provides a lower
bound on the expressed variance of the computed PCs. The
obtained bound is hard to parse. As explained by the authors,
it shows that the expressed variance is greater than zero (the
solution is not meaningless) whenever the fraction of outliers is
less than 50%. On the other extreme, if the fraction of outliers
goes to zero with n, then asymptotically the expressed variance
goes to one (this corresponds to perfect recovery).

Solutions for robust supspace recovery
RSR as addressed by Lerman et al. [13] aims to recover the
underlying subspace, P, from a data set consisting of inlier
and outlier points by using the following robust M-estimator:


P: Pl P = I


m i - PP m i =




PP= m i .


Here, P= is the orthogonal complement of P , and PP and
PP= denote orthogonal projections onto P and P=, respectively. Since one needs to minimize over all matrices P with
orthonormal columns, the above is a nonconvex problem.
However, notice that R di = 1 PP= m i = R di = 1 P= P=l m i . The
matrix Q := P= P=l is a projection matrix with properties
Q = Ql , Q 2 = Q, and tr (Q) = n - r. This intuition leads to
the following convex relaxation-based approach. The geometric median subspace (GMS) algorithm [13] proceeds as follows: define the set H = " Q ! R n # n: Q = Ql , tr (Q) = 1 ,, and
then solve
t = arg min F (Q) :=


Qm i .

i= 1

For the noiseless case, the subspace P is estimated as the
eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest r eigenvalues of
t . In later work, Lerman et al. [59] suggested a tighter conQ
vex relaxation of the original problem. Their approach, called
REAPER, suggests solving the following:

Bt = arg min / m i - Bm i s.t. 0 ) B ) I, tr (B) = r.

i= 1

This is the tightest convex relaxation because its constraint set
is the convex hull of the set of basis matrices. An estimate of P
is then obtained as the top r eigenvectors of Bt .
Both GMS and REAPER work in the batch setting and,
therefore, do not scale to big data. To address these limitations, Lerman et al. [60] provided three stochastic approximation algorithms that combined GMS and REAPER with the
stochastic GD (SGD) idea. Each improved algorithm presents
less running time and space complexity requirements than the
batch GMS and REAPER.

Online principal component analysis
with contaminated data [33]
Feng et al. [33] addressed the case of online PCA where outliers have no structural assumptions on them and data vectors
come in sequentially. They developed an online algorithm that
employed a probabilistic admiting/rejection procedure when a
new sample comes in. Its guarantee makes assumptions on the
initialization step (which is not specified), and the guarantee
itself is asymptotic. The assumption on outlier fraction is very
mild: anything less than 50% corruption works.

Parameter setting and experimental comparisons
We first explain how to set the parameters for the key approaches. After this, we provide a quantitative performance
evaluation of these and many other RPCA methods for foreground-background separation (background subtraction) using
the change detection (CDnet) 2012 data set [61]. For all the videos, the authors' code with their final parameter settings was
used. No extra tuning was done for any approach.

Parameter setting
Parameter setting for principal component pursuit [4]
There is only one parameter m in the PCP convex program.
A smaller value of m allows the solution St to be less sparse.
Thus, its value should be chosen based on the expected number
of outliers in the entire data matrix. However, the PCP convex program itself requires a solver (an iterative algorithm that
solves it to within e error in a finite number of iterations). The
solver has various other parameters. The selection of which
solver to use can itself be another parameter.

Parameter setting for alternating projection [8]
The AltProj algorithm requires two parameters, and a third to
indicate the desired tolerance e. The first is the rank. No guidance is provided on how to set this except cross-validation. The
second, referred to as a thresholding parameter, is b, which
controls the rate at which the sparse outliers are detected. A
larger value of b indicates that after each "inner loop," the
smallest nonzero value of the outlier is larger. A larger value of
b indicates that the algorithm converges quickly if the outliers
are very large/small. To detect outliers that have intermediate
range requires a smaller value for b. The authors show that
setting b = 1/n works well in video experiments.

Parameter setting for robust principal component
analysis-gradient descent [10]
There are five parameters to be tuned for RPCA-GD. It needs an
estimate of the rank, rL, the corruption fraction (the maximum
fraction of outliers per each row and column), a GD, a "safe-bound"
on the estimate of corruption fraction, c, the step size for the projected GD subroutine, h, and the number of iterations, T. In [10],
the authors show that the step size can be set as O (1/v 1 (U 0 V0l )),
where U 0 and V0 denote the first estimate of the factorized lowrank estimate, i.e., M - St 0 = U 0 V0l . No intuition is given on
how to set the other parameters; please see their code.

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine


July 2018




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018

IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - Contents
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 2
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 3
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 4
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 5
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 6
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 7
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 8
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 9
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 10
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 11
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 12
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 13
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 14
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 15
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 16
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 17
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 18
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 19
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 20
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 21
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 22
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 23
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 24
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 25
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 26
IEEE Signal Processing - July 2018 - 27
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