Power Station Solar Farm Diesel Generator Wind Farm Energy Scheduler/Manager Household Prosumers with Rooftop Solar Panels (a) Different Energy Sources Solar Farm Power Station Diesel Generator Wind Farm P2P Between Communities P2P Within Communities Prosumers in a P2P Network (b) FIGURE 1. Renewable energy commodities currently trading in the emerging smart grid and P2P energy-trading schemes. (a) A traditional FiT scheme. (b) How a P2P energy-trading network may contribute to alleviate dependency on the main grid. maker, a prosumer may intend to sell his or her surplus energy at different rates to different buyers within the network, necessitating the development of new pricing schemes. Finally, relaxing the presence of centralized management in the trading scheme subsequently creates a heightened emphasis on the security of energy-trading transactions between the participants of the P2P network. 92 In this context, novel and innovative applications of gametheoretic approaches will be necessary to design mechanisms for P2P energy trading. This article seeks to achieve this goal by 1) presenting an overview of various game- and auctiontheoretic methods by following a systematic classification to provide information about the basic understanding and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | July 2018 |