IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - April 2018 - 38
received the Most Active Technical
Committee Award in 2006. From 2008
to 2012, he was a chair of the SMCS
Japan Chapter. In 2010, Murata es-
tablished the SMCS Technical Com-
mittee on Awareness Computing,
which he continues to lead. He is a
steering chair of the IEEE Interna-
tional Conference on Awareness Sci-
ence and Technology. Currently, he is
the program chair of SMC 2018, to be
held in Miyazaki, Japan. Murata was
first elected as a member of the SMCS
Board of Governors in 2015. He is a Se-
nior Member of the IEEE.
Murata established the Japanese
Society for Evolutionary Computa-
tion (JPNSEC) and was a JPNSEC
board member from 2010 to 2013. He
arranged international educational
programs as a member of the Long-
Term Plan Development Team for the
Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and
Intelligent Informatics (SOFT). Mu-
rata was the School Committee chair
for the Joint 17th World Congress of
the International Fuzzy Systems As-
sociation (IFSA) and 9th Internation-
al Conference on Soft Computing and
Intelligent Systems hosted by SOFT in
2017, which was the first internation-
al educational program for the both
He has invited active research-
ers to exchange their state-of-the-art
work in the academic activities of the
SMCS. Murata also encourages ex-
cellent young researchers to join the
SMCS and helps train them to take
leadership roles. Such encourage-
ment and training are essential to
keep the quality of our Society. He
believes it is an honor to serve as an
SMCS Board of Governors member
and is very happy to contribute to
keeping SMCS as one of the best aca-
demic societies in the world.
Peng Shi
Peng Shi earned his
B.S. degree in mathe-
matics from Harbin
Institute of Technolo-
gy, China, in 1981; his
M.E. degree in sys-
tems engineering from Harbin Engi-
neering University, China, in 1985; his
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer-
ing from the University of Newcastle,
Australia, in 1994; and his Ph.D.
degree in mathematics from the Uni-
versity of South Australia, Adelaide, in
1998. He was awarded two higher doc-
torates, the Doctor of Science degree
from the University of Glamorgan,
Pontypridd, United Kingdom, and the
Doctor of Engineering degree from
the University of Adelaide, Australia,
in 2006 and 2015, respectively, for his
contributions to applied mathematics,
automation, and control systems.
Shi is currently a professor at the
University of Adelaide. Previously, he
was a professor at Victoria Univer-
sity, Australia, and the University of
Glamorgan and a senior scientist in
the Defense Science and Technology
Organisation, Canberra, Australia. His
research interests include system and
control theory, computational intel-
ligence, and operations research. He
has published more than 750 journal
articles and 250 conference papers,
with more than 40,000 citations and an
h-index of 109 from Google Scholar. He
was recognized by Thomson Reuters/
Clarivate Analytics as a highly cited re-
searcher in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
He received the SMCS Andrew P. Sage
Best Transactions Paper award in 2016
and was the runner-up for the 2017
Scopus Researcher of the Year Award
for Excellence in Innovative Research
in Australia-New Zealand.
Shi has delivered many plenary
and keynote speeches at interna-
tional conferences, symposiums, and
workshops. He has presented more
than 100 invited talks at universities
and organizations. In addition, he has
been an adjunct/visiting professor at
many universities. He has been gener-
al chair, workshop chair, and interna-
tional program committee member for
numerous international conferences
and workshops. Shi's work has been
continuously supported by the Aus-
tralian Research Council; Engineering
and Physical Science Research Coun-
cil, United Kingdom; Royal Society
United Kingdom; and China National
Science Foundation.
IEEE SyStEmS, man, & CybErnEtICS magazInE A pr il 2 0 1 8
Shi is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has
served as an IEEE Distinguished Lec-
turer and was the chair of the Control
Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Chapter and the IEEE South Australia
Section. He is a member of the Austra-
lian Research Council, College of Ex-
perts and the Institution of Engineer-
ing and Technology.
He has actively served on the edito-
rial board of many leading internation-
al journals as an AE, including IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control,
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems, IEEE Access, IEEE Control
Systems Letters, Automatica, Information Sciences, and Signal Processing.
Thomas Strasser
Thomas Strasser
earned the doctoral
and habilitation de -
gree (venia docendi)
from Vienna Universi-
ty of Technology (VUT),
Austria. He is currently a senior scien-
tist at the Center for Energy in the
Austrian Institute of Technology, Vien-
na, and a Privatdozent (senior lectur-
er) of automation at the Institute of
Mechanics and Mechatronics of VUT.
He spent more than six years as a
senior researcher investigating ad -
vanced and reconfigurable automa-
tion and control systems at PROFAC-
TOR Research. He was a lecturer at
the University of Applied Sciences
Technikum Vienna, Austria, and the
University of Applied Sciences Upper
Austria, Wels, and holds a guest pro-
fessorship at the Salzburg University
of Applied Sciences, Austria.
Strasser specializes in industrial
automation systems and intelligent
power and energy systems (smart
grid). In the domain of automation,
he contributed to the further devel-
opment of distributed and reconfigu-
rable automation systems based on
IEC 61499 function blocks as well
as the standard's adoption in the do-
mains of manufacturing and power
systems. He has been working on im-
proving the design, implementation,
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - April 2018
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IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - April 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - April 2018 - Contents
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