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About the Authors
Yanghui Tan ( earned his B.S. and M.S.
degrees in marine engineering from Dalian Maritime University, China, in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He is pursuing his
D.S. degree in marine engineering from Dalian Maritime
University. His research interests include marine engineroom simulators and virtual reality.
Chunyang Niu ( is pursuing
his M.S. degree in marine engineering from Dalian Maritime
University, China. His research interests include marine
engine-room simulators and virtual reality.
Jundong Zhang (
earned his B.S., M.S., and D.S. degrees in marine engineering from Dalian Maritime University, China, in 1989,
1992, and 1998, respectively. He is a full professor at
Dalian Maritime University. His research interests
include marine-engineering automation and control,
integrated supervision, the application of computers and
networks, marine-engineering education, and electricalsystem design.
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IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2020
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2020 - Cover1
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2020 - Cover2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2020 - Contents
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