IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - 71

Information Science and Technology
at Dalian Maritime University, Dalian,
China. Her research contributions lie
in two broad categories. The first is
in the area of discrete event systems,
particularly modeling, control, and
optimization for sustainability. She is
the funding chair of the IEEE SMCS
Technical Committee (TC) on Intelligent
Systems to Human-Aware Sustainability
and led the TC to win the
SMCS Most Active TC in 2021. She was
the funding chair of the IEEE Robotic
and Automation Society (RAS) TC on
Sustainable Production Automation
and led the TC to win the Creation of
Educational Material in Robotics and
Automation (CEMRA) project and
the RAS Most Active TC in 2020. The
second is in the area of virtual reality
and augmented reality. She holds
two U.S. patents in this area and
has successfully integrated serious
games with sensor informatics and
machine learning to offer personalized
Metaverse learning. Dr. Tang's
work has been continuously supported
by the National Science Foundation,
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, foundations, and industry.
Her work has resulted in more than
190 scientific publications, including
more than 70 journal articles, book
editorials and chapters, and conference
Dr. Tang is very active in professional
service. She is a Senior Member
of IEEE and a member of the SMCS
and RAS. She served as AE of IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science
and Engineering during 2009-2012,
is currently AE of IEEE Transactions
on Computational Social Systems
and Discover Artificial Intelligence,
and is an Editorial Board member of
the International Journal of Remanufacturing.
She is an editor of " Sustainable
Production Automation "
(Momentum Press, New York) and a
guest editor for the special issue on
behavioral modeling, learning, and
adaptation in cyberphysical social
intelligence in IEEE Transactions on
Computational Social Systems, the
special issue on intelligent energy solutions
to sustainable production and
service automation in IEEE Transactions
on Engineering Science and
Automation, and the special issue on
mathematical problems in petri nets
theory and applications in Mathematical
Problems in Engineering.
Dr. Tang currently serves as VP of
finance of the SMCS and served as
secretary of the
SMCS (2018-2020),
a member-at-large
of the SMCS Board
of Governors (2019-
2021), chair of the
SMCS Electronic
Su bc o mm i t t e e
(2016-2018), and
Chapter coordinator
of the SMCS
Membership Committee
Dr. Tang is ver y
act ive in the organization
of conferences, workshops,
and special sessions. She is general
chair of International Conference on
Cyber-physical Social Intelligence
2022 and finance chair of IEEE SMC
2023. She has chaired several technical
sessions and served on program
committees for many conferences.
Haibin Zhu
VP Systems Science
and Engineering
Haibin Zhu is a
full professor and
Haibin Zhu
the Computer Science
Program, the
founding director
of the Collaborative
Laboratory, and a member of Arts
and Science Executive Committee at
Nipissing University, ON, Canada. He
is an affiliate professor at Concordia
University, QC, Canada, and an adjunct
professor at Laurentian University, ON,
Canada. He earned his B.Sc. degree
in computer engineering from the
Institute of Engineering and Technology,
China (1983), and his M.Sc.
(1988) and Ph.D. (1997) degrees in
Dr. Tang's work
has been continuously
supported by
the National Science
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency,
foundations, and
computer science from the National
University of Defense Technology
(NUDT), China. He was chair of the
Department of Computer Science
and Mathematics, Nipissing University
(2019-2021); a visiting professor
and special lecturer in the College
of Computing Sciences, New Jersey
Institute of Technology
and lecturer, associate
professor, and
full professor at
NUDT (1988-2000).
He has accomplished
or in press) more
than 230 research
40-plus IEEE Transactions
articles, six
books, five book
chapters, four journal
issues, and four
conference proceedings. He is a fellow
of International Institute of Cognitive
Informatics and Cognitive Computing,
a Senior Member of IEEE and Association
for Computing Machinery, a
full member of Sigma Xi, and a life
member of the Chinese Association of
Science and Technology.
Prof. Zhu serves as a member-atlarge
of the Board of Governors (2022-);
VP, SSE (2023-); cochair (2006-) of
the TC of Distributed Intelligent Systems
of the SMCS, editor-in-chief of
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
(SMC) Magazine (2022), AE of
IEEE Transactions on SMC: Systems
(2018-), IEEE Transactions on Computational
Social Systems (2018-),
Frontiers of Computer Science (2021-),
and IEEE Canadian Review (2017-).
He was AE of IEEE SMC Magazine
(2018-2021); associate VP, SSE (2021)
and the SMCS; a conference (co)chair
and program (co)chair for many international
conferences, and a Program
Committee member for 130-plus academic
Prof. Zhu is the founding researcher
of Role-Based Collaboration and
creator of the E-CARGO model. His
research monograph " E-CARGO and
Role-Based Collaboration " can be

IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023

IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - Cover1
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - Cover2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - Contents
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - 2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - 3
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - 4
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - 5
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IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - Cover3
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - January 2023 - Cover4