IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 29

Using back-gate biasing is another
way to adaptively adjust the silicon
for process variation. Forward-body
bias (FBB) increases the performance
of slow silicon by applying 400 mV to
the body of the P-type metal-oxide-
semiconductor transistors in a 28-nm
process node CPU. The body-bias
switch is integrated into the distrib-
uted power switch to ensure even
distribution of all relevant voltages
across the CPU (Figure 3). A careful
power sequence of the voltage rails
is needed to prevent short circuit
current between supplies [2].
Adaptive power allocation is used
to maximize CPU performance within
the currently allocated power bud-
get by instantly reallocating power
from low-activity CPUs to high-activ-
ity ones, thus avoiding performance
throttling on high-activity CPUs. In
scenarios where the cumulative power
of all CPUs exceeds the total clus-
ter budget, automatic clock gating
is introduced as a temporary coun-
termeasure and is achieved by clock

The goal of adaptive techniques is to maximize
performance while staying below the thermal
budget of the chip.
dithering. When clock dithering is
active, a secondary process adjusts
the on-chip phase-locked loop fre-
quency and off-chip dc-to-dc converter
voltage to a more energy-efficient oper-
ating point to maximize performance.
The control loop goes between clock
dithering and voltage/frequency ad-
justment to achieve maximum per-
formance, which occurs when total
power consumption is close to the
power budget. A two-times performan-
ce improvement is observed when
power is limited to 25% of normal
operating power [3].

Sipping Power Through a Straw
(Power Delivery Network)
Powering the processors is also a
very important consideration, and
the design of the power delivery

network (PDN) impacts the perfor-
mance capability. Because a very
robust PDN is also associated with
a higher cost, there is a very care-
ful tradeoff between the cost of the
PDN solution versus the performance
achievable by the processor that needs
to be considered.
During run time, the processors
switch between light and heav y
work loads continuously, causing
voltage droop in the PDN. These
droops diminish the voltage margin
available and compromise CPU oper-
ating speed. To minimize voltage
droops, a remote-sensing technol-
ogy is employed [1]. A feedback line
using a printed circuit board (PCB)
trace to a location closest to CPU
power pins provides actual CPU volt-
ages to the power management IC

























FIGURE 3: A hybrid switch to support body biasing and power sequencing required to prevent short circuit current between supplies.


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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - Cover1
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - Cover2
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 1
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 2
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 3
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 4
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 5
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 6
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 7
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 8
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 9
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 10
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 11
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 12
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 13
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 14
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 15
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 16
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 17
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 18
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 19
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 20
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 21
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 22
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 23
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 24
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 25
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 26
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 27
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 28
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 29
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 30
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 31
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 32
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 33
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 34
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 35
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 36
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 37
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 38
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 39
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 40
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 41
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 42
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 43
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 44
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 45
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 46
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 47
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 48
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 49
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 50
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 51
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 52
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 53
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 54
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 55
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 56
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 57
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IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 59
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IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 120
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IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - 138
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IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - Cover3
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine - Fall 2017 - Cover4