Let ters to th e Editor W We want to hear from you! Send your feedback about the Society and issues affecting our profession to the editor of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine. Letters may be edited for publication. Praise for Prof. Meyer Kudos once again for an outstanding job on the Winter 2014 issue. I had the Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2014.2313794 Date of publication: 24 June 2014 great pleasure of working with Prof. Meyer in his role as a consultant with my former employer. He was always very down to earth in his approach, never trying to impress anyone on the team with his outstanding credentials. One incident I remember vividly; he had submitted a hand-drawn architecture of the chip we were planning to develop. It contained an extremely high-gain feedback loop, which I was having a hard time making stable. Out of frustration, I realized that the opamp and output current mirror could be reduced to a single transistor. When I showed my solution to Prof. Meyer and asked for his opinion, he said it was "brilliant." It was the greatest compliment I have ever received in my entire professional career. -Bruce Tesch IEEE Open Access Unrestricted access to today's groundbreaking research via the IEEE Xplore® digital library IEEE offers a variety of open access (OA) publications: * Hybrid journals known for their established impact factors * New fully open access journals in many technical areas * A multidisciplinary open access mega journal spanning all IEEE fields of interest Discover top-quality articles, chosen by the IEEE peer-review standard of excellence. Learn more about IEEE Open Access www.ieee.org/open-access 12-TA-0424-Open Access 7x4.75 Final.indd 1 IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE 9/21/12 10:26 AM s p r i n g 2 0 14 5http://www.ieee.org/open-access