Kevin Tran The integration of 2.5D and 3D integrated circuits Scaling the Next-Generation System Architecture I n recent years, advancements in integrated circuit (IC) interconnection, packaging, and integration technologies have demonstrated the comprehensive solution benefits derived from three-dimensional (3D) IC and the 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) integration of heterogeneous dice. The current mass production of 3D IC devices utilizing silicon via technology, specifically within the memory IC Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2016.2546663 Date of publication: 21 June 2016 1943-0582/16©2016IEEE industry, has enabled system designers to extract the maximum effective performance from the memory subsystem. An example of 3D ICs in mass production is high-bandwidth memory (HBM), a JEDEC standard memory solution, that is designed to scale next-generation memory subsystem requirements. This article will discuss the advanced packaging technology implemented on the HBM device, the resulting architecture, and the benefits when compared to existing external memory solutions. Examples of 2.5D heterogeneous system integration with the HBM device will also be highlighted. IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE S P R I N G 2 0 16 35