Design Connect Create is a two-week day camp that strives to prepare young women for their first physics class in high school. The idea for the camp came from a group called High-Tech High Heels, which partnered with Texas Instruments to fund the program in 2003. The program has been offered in the Dallas school district every summer since then. "The idea to replicate the camp so that more girls could be served by the program led to the creation of Design Connect Create in 2014," said Gass. The number of young women who have participated in the camp has grown from 71 students in 2014 to 177 in 2016. In 2017, Design Connect Create offered eight camp sessions in several cities in Texas with an estimated attendance of more than 250 young women. Camp activities include: ■ a magical demonstration of the principle of inertia ■ exploring the properties of static electricity ■ engineering design challenges ■ reverse engineering a circuit topography ■ visiting a high-tech company and meeting the summer interns ■ riding on a hovercraft ■ matching the motion graph ■ charting your path through a maze ■ calculating the collision point of toy cars ■ using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream. Design Connect Create camp alumna Lisbet Tudon speaks highly of her experience at the camp. "I've had the opportunity to attend this wonderful camp. It was a great experience and helped me develop my career goals," Tudon said. "I am a currently a senior Sound wave nodes illustrated using a Chandi plate. Camp attendees learn about the properties of optics using a concave mirror. in high school and attended the camp the summer before my junior year. I took pre-AP physics and am currently taking AP physics. Because of my interest in engineering, I applied for and was awarded the Texas Tech Presidential Scholarship (along with several other engineering scholarships), and I know that Design Connect Create helped con- tribute to my success. I will be attending Texas Tech as a freshman engineering student this fall," she said. If you'd like to learn more about Design Connect Create, visit www IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE -Abira Sengupta SU M M E R 2 0 17 57