editor's note R. Jacob Baker Welcome to the Winter 2016 Issue of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine! T This issue of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine provides recognition for Miles A. Copeland, the winner of the 2016 IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award. Guest Editor Prof. John R. Long has pulled together former students and colleagues to write articles discussing Prof. Copeland's contributions and career. Recognizing a pioneer in solid-state circuit design while at the same time providing a historical review of significant contributions has resulted in a collection of information and material that will interest IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) members. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2015.2495791 Date of publication: 21 January 2016 In addition, as usual, several feature articles of interest to the SSCS magazine's readers ranging from Guest Editor Prof. John R. Long has pulled together former students and colleagues to write articles discussing Prof. Copeland's contributions and career. tutorials to technology overviews are included in this issue. The goal of the magazine continues to be to provide Society news and information as well as a series of selfcontained resources to keep the SSCS member up to date with changes in technology while, at the same time, providing reviews of circuit design concepts. This includes contributions from experts describing the current state of affairs and evolution of a particular IC technology. We will also continue to feature articles focused on the contributions of luminaries, as in this issue focusing on the achievements of Prof. Copeland. We hope you enjoy reading IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine. Please send comments to me at rjacobbaker@gmail.com IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE W I N T E R 2 0 16 3