presented. The closing lecture clearly showed that current operation amplifiers and Gm-blocks can be replaced with CMOS inverters in many applications. Through the instruction of Prof. Willy Sansen, it was confirmed that an analog design is still a combination of science and art. The short course gave young researchers and students the opportunity to get acquainted with advanced techniques for the low-power analog design using the EKV/BSIM6 model and tricks with negative resistance, positive feedback, and pole-zero compensation. RL RL vout iN vout rDS > RL gmRL iin RBB lB iin RB gmrDS > 1 RL gmrDSRB 1 + gmRB vout RL RL iin 1 + gmRB gmRBB iin 1 1 gmRB gmRBB iN vout iin RBB iin RBB > RL RB lL vout iin iN iin RB lL vout iin lB gmrDSRB RB rDS 1 gmrDS gmRBB 1 Willy Sansen 01450436 -Pawel Grybos SSCS-Poland Chapter Chair the gain and noise in MOst cascodes. 65-nm CMOS 1 MHz 10 pF 1:1 5 4 - + 3 2 vOUT CL 1 Higher GBW 6,000 MHzpF/mA 1:B B:1 1:A A:1 A = 0.7 B=3 Ref.: Ohri, .., JSSC February 1979, 38-46; Roh, JSSC February 2008, 361-370 Willy Sansen 04158816 an example of negative resistance in cMOs operational transconductance amplifier. Willy sansen (center) with participants of the sscs-poland meeting on 13 October 2015. IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE W I N T E R 2 0 16 77