Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 13
About the Authors
Yunjun Nam ( earned his B.Sc.
degree in electrical and computer engineering from
Hanyang University, South Korea, in 2008 and his Ph.D.
degree from the School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience
and Bioengineering, Pohang University of Science and
Technology, Korea, in 2014. His research interests
include the electroencephalography-based brain-computer interface and the glossokinetic potential-based
human-machine interface.
Bonkon Koo ( earned his B.Sc.
degree in biomedical engineering and electrical engineering from Kyunghee University, South Korea, in 2010 and is
currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree from the School of
Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering at
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea. His
research interests include the human-computer interface
and electroencephalography signal processing.
Andrzej Cichocki ( earned his Ph.D.
and Dr.Sc. (Habilitation) degrees in electrical engineering
from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. He is currently the senior team leader and head of the Laboratory
for Advanced Brain Signal Processing at RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan. He is the coauthor of more than 400
technical papers and four monographs (two of them translated to Chinese). He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Seungjin Choi ( earned his
B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul
National University, South Korea, in 1987 and 1989,
respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, in 1996.
He was with the Laboratory for Artificial Brain Systems,
RIKEN, Japan, in 1997 and was an assistant professor at
the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Chungbuk National University from 1997 to 2000. Since
2001, he has been a professor of computer science at
Pohang University of Science and Technology, South
Korea. His primary research interests include machine
learning and probabilistic models with their applications
to data mining, computer vision, and the brain-computer
interface. He is a Member of the IEEE.
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Ja nu a r y 2016
IEEE SyStEmS, man, & CybErnEtICS magazInE
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - Cover1
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - Cover2
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 1
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 2
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 3
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 4
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 5
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 6
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 7
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 8
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 9
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 10
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 11
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 12
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 13
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 14
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 15
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 16
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 17
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 18
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 19
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 20
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 21
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 22
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 23
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 24
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 25
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 26
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - 27
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Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - Cover3
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2016 - Cover4