Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 3


by M.E. El-Hawary


hile browsing through
a recent issue of Time
magazine, I noticed an
article dated 30 June 2016 with the
title, "Giving Back Is a Birthright."
The author, Ford Foundation President Darren Walker, suggested that,
"Charity-humanity's most benevolent impulse-is a timeless and borderless virtue, dating at least to the
dawn of religious teaching." He went
on to state, "Benjamin Franklin, an
icon of individual industry and frugality even in his own day, understood that with the privilege of doing
well came the price of doing good."
Behavioral scientists suggest that
altruism-the desire to shun selfishness and help others-is one of the
major motivations for charitable giving. Through much of our lives, we
are given gifts and are aided by talents that many of us use to benefit
others. One of the ways of benefiting
others is volunteerism, which does
not involve monetary exchange and is
a noble form of giving.
Many of us channel our volunteer
efforts and energies by giving back
to our profession through the many
IEEE communities. This is the way
we choose to meet our obligations
to society and humanity. However,
I believe that only a few of us have
made a difference in serving our
profession to the extent that the
late Prof. William A. (Bill) Gruver
did. This issue includes a special
"Tribute" column that acknowledges his work and is dedicated to his
memory as someone who made sustainable and lasting contributions
to the communities of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
(SMCS), IEEE Tech nical Activities,
and the IEEE Board of Directors.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSMC.2016.2598409
Date of publication: 18 October 2016

Meeting Our
Obligations and
Making a Difference
Since 1979, Gruver ser ved the
SMCS, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and the IEEE
Control Systems Society, as well
as the Robotics and Automation
Council and the IEEE Council on
Rad io -F requency Identi f ication
(RFID), in many capacities. It is remarkable that he served as general
chair and technical program chair
for the many IEEE international
conferences on systems, man, and
cybernetics (SMC); robotics and
automation; and RFID (technology
and applications).
Since 2004, Gruver served on nine
board-level committees, notably those
on Future Technology, Governance,
IT Transition, and Finance and Inequities. During 2007-2008, he served
on the IEEE Board of Directors as
Division X delegate/director (Division X being home to six Societies:

IEEE Computational Intelligence
Society; IEEE Control Systems Society; IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society; IEEE Photonics
Society; IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; and IEEE Systems,
and Man, and Cybernetics Society)
A selection of the positions in which
Gruver served the SMC community
can be found in "William A. Gruver,
In Service of the SMCS."
Gruver also made lasting, sustained contributions to the SMCS
through his persistent and persuasive suggestions to many of us to volunteer for leadership service. It is with
deep gratitude that I acknowledge his
persuasion that brought me to serve
first as the SMCS e-newsletter editorin-chief (EiC) and then as EiC for this
magazine. Bill will live long in our
memories and hearts.

William A. Gruver, In Service of the SMCS
Senior past president, 2008-2009
Junior past president, 2006-2007
President, 2004-2005
Finance and long-range planning, vice president, 2002-2003
Conferences and meetings, vice president, 1996-1997
Publications, vice president, 1994-1995
Board of Governors, member, 2001-2003, 1990-1992
Electronic Communications, chair, 2010
Fellows Committee, chair, 2009
Awards Committee, chair, 2008-2009
Nominations Committee, chair, 2006-2007
Technical Committee on Distributed Intelligent Systems, cochair, 2003-2009
Technical Committee on Robotics and Manufacturing, chair, 1982-1986; 1993-2003
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and
Humans, associate editor, 1982-2005

O c tob e r 2016

IEEE SyStEmS, man, & CybErnEtICS magazInE



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016

Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - Cover1
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - Cover2
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 1
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 2
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 3
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 4
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 5
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 6
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 7
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 8
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 9
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 10
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 11
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 12
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 13
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 14
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 15
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 16
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 17
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 18
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 19
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 20
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 21
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 22
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 23
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 24
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 25
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 26
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 27
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 28
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 29
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 30
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 31
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - 32
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - Cover3
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - October 2016 - Cover4