and confidence in, and support for human operated drones compared to Autonomous Weapon Systems. However, surprisingly they also assign more blame (Figure 4) to the actions of human operated drones than to the actions of Autonomous Weapon Systems. The perception of harm, fairness, and expectations of actions of human operated drones and Autonomous Weapon Systems are equal. Study 2 The civilian respondents in Study 2 perceive the human dignity of the actions of human operated drones and Autonomous Weapon Systems equally (Figure 5). They are more anxious about the actions of Autonomous Weapon Systems in the future than of those taken by human operated drones (Figure 6). The respondents in Study 2 have an equal level of trust (Figure 7), expectations and confidence that human operated drones and Autonomous Weapon Systems will take the correct actions in the future. The actions of the human operated drone and Autonomous Weapon Systems are considered to cause equally much harm and are seen as equally fair. The civilian respondents in Study 2 assign more blame to the actions of Autonomous Weapon Systems than those of human operated drones (Figure 8). They have more support for human operated drones than for Autonomous Weapon Systems, especially when human operated drones are compared to the high agency scenario of Autonomous Weapon Systems. Conclusion and Discussion Our study provides an overview of the various definitions of Autonomous Weapon Systems that are currently 60 40 20 0 72 67 53 Human Operated Weapon Error Bars: +/- 1 SE Neutral Agency High Agency Autonomous Autonomous Weapon Weapon Scenario Mean Trust Value 50 40 30 41 30 30 10 0 Human Operated Weapon Error Bars: +/- 1 SE Neutral Agency High Agency Autonomous Autonomous Weapon Weapon Scenario FIGURE 3. Trust value study 1. DECEMBER 2019 20 23 10 0 15 Human Operated Weapon Error Bars: +/- 1 SE 18 Neutral Agency High Agency Autonomous Autonomous Weapon Weapon Scenario FIGURE 4. Blame value study 1. FIGURE 2. Anxiety value study 1. 20 Mean Blame Value 30 Mean Human Dignity Value Mean Anxiety Value 80 40 30 20 29 31 31 10 0 Human Operated Drone Error Bars: +/- 1 SE Neutral Agency High Agency Autonomous Autonomous Weapon Weapon Scenario FIGURE 5. Human dignity value study 2. ∕ IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE 41