IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Fall 2014 - 41

has proven to be increasingly risky,
particularly when prevention and
problem optimization are designed
into the process [14]. In this article,
we have proposed a new methodology for proactive event-driven decision making in order to eliminate
or mitigate anticipated problems,
and capitalize on forecast opportunities. This methodology is being
actively developed in the SPEEDD
project (,
where the methodology will also be
evaluated in both domains discussed
within the context of traffic management and credit card fraud detection.
However, by facilitating proactive
decision making, we expect to determine a range of new opportunities
for services that will help people in
their everyday lives. Indeed, there is
an ever-increasing need for knowing
how to forecast an event, when the
event will arise (e.g., a heart attack, or
an act of violence), and how to prepare for the event prior to it occurring.
Therefore, the methodology can be
expected to make a significant contribution to time-critical and often lifecritical situations, where prevention is
key in order to capitalize on forecast
opportunities. Moreover, as the tools
for visual analytics make the transition from support for professional
operators to public information services, in combination with advanced
algorithms for event recognition and
forecasting, there is significant potential for providing computer-mediated
support for resolving large-scale collective action problems.

Author Information
Alexander Artikis (a.artikis@iit. is the Leader of
the Complex Event Recognition
group in NCSR Demokritos. He is
also the Technical Director of the
SPEEDD project.
Chris Baber (c.baber@bham. holds the Chair in Pervasive
and Ubiquitous Computing at the
University of Birmingham, U.K.
Pedro Bizarro (pedro.bizarro@ is the Chief Science
Officer at FeedZai.

Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (carlos. is the Director of Research at the CNRS.
Opher Etzion (
serves as Professor of IS, and head
of the Technological Empowerment
Institute in Yezreel Valley College in
Israel. During the years 1997-2014
he served in various roles in IBM.
Fabiana Fournier (fabiana@il. is a researcher in the
Event-Driven Decision Technologies group at IBM Research - Haifa.
Paul Goulart (pgoulart@control. is a Senior Researcher
in the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH Zurich.
Andrew Howes (howesa@mac.
com) holds the Chair of HumanComputer Interaction in the School
of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham.
John Lygeros (jlygeros@control. holds the Chair of Computation and Control and is the
Head of the Automatic Control
Laboratory of ETH Zurich.
Georgios Paliouras (paliourg@iit. is a Senior Researcher in the Institute of Informatics &
Telecommunications at NCSR Demokritos. He is also the coordinator
of the SPEEDD project.
Izchak Sharfman (tsachis@cs. is a post-doctoral
researcher at the Technion - Israel
Institute of Technology.
Assaf Schuster (assaf@cs.technion. is a Professor of Computer
Science in the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

This work is part of the EUfunded SPEEDD project (FP7ICT 619435). The authors thank
the anonymous reviewers for their
helpful comments.


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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Fall 2014

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