The Case of the 2013 Presidential Elections in Cyprus alexsl/IsTOCK Social Media in Election Campaigns D. Ktoridou, E. Epaminonda, and A. Charalambous S Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2018.2826063 Date of publication: 31 May 2018 32 1932-4529/18©2018IEEE ocial media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) are today a regular form of communication used widely by individuals and organizations. More recently, social media are also used by political parties to communicate with voters. As a result, political parties engage in a new kind of conversation with voters, transforming campaigning into something more dynamic compared to what it was in the past. This engagement however varies by society. In some cases political parties simply send messages to voters while in others communication is more active. The current study provides evidence on the extent to which political IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ JUNE 2018