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the reasons focused on the fact that Facebook is the
most convenient means of communication that exists
today, with great features and values that simply cannot
be ignored. In addition, they mentioned that Facebook is
one of the main channels for information seeking. Other
respondents focused their reasoning on the fear of a
potential loss of friends, not being able to entirely delete
Facebook account, the joy Facebook provides to them,
virtual addiction, the use of Facebook as a platform to
express opinions, and the non-existence of a better alternative as perceived by the respondents.
In this study, the majority of respondents were female
(70%), and respondents ethnicity is mainly Middle Eastern. More research is needed to examine the impact of
culture on user concerns about Facebook with a more
balanced gender distribution. In addition, further studies
are needed to understand if users' concerns about Facebook could change over time.
Author Information
Ons Al-Shamaileh is an Assistant Professor in the College of Computer and Information Technology, American University in the Emirates, Dubai, U.A.E. Email:
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