PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Robert Dent Be Well hope all of our members are safe and well from the Coronavirus. I have not, per sona lly, expe r ienced a los s bec ause of this virus. I hope you have had the sa me experience. This pandemic situation has caused uncertainty in the holding of conferences for all IEEE entities. Some conferences have been postponed. In other cases, entities have determined to hold meetings virtually or the events will be held as a hybrid. The 2020 SSIT International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) will I be a virtual conference. Stay tuned for details. The inaugural issue of the IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society was issued in March of this year. It is an important and significant journal. I offer great thanks to Katina Michael for her leadership as the founding Editor-inChief of the Transactions. Also, a great big thank you to John Impagliazzo, SSIT Vice President of Publications, for his efforts in Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2020.2991487 Date of current version: 18 June 2020 approving the SSIT Transactions. Bravo John! There is still an opportunity to subscribe to this excellent new Transactions at very attractive rates. It is well worth the price. Please stay well and be safe. Author Information Bob Dent is 2019-2020 President of IEEE-SSIT, and can be reached at IEEE SSIT Online Resources For more discussion of Technology and Society topics, please visit our website and social media pages: **Website: **Facebook: **Twitter: **LinkedIn - Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2020.3002050 JUNE 2020 ∕ IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE 1