June 2023 Volume 42 Number 2 SPECIAL ISSUE ON SECURITIZATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF PEOPLE AND PLACE Guest Editors' Introduction 22 S ecuritization for Sustainability of People and Place Katina Michael, Roba Abbas, Jeremy Pitt, Kathleen Vogel, and Mariana Zafeirakopoulos Commentaries 29 R 38 E eimagining Digital Public Spaces and Artificial Intelligence for Deep Cooperation Peter R. Lewis, Stephen Lewis, Sue Lewis, Amanda McEachern Gaudet, and Amanda Ottley nsuring Food Security Through Meal Optimization Liselotte Schäfer Elinder and Patricia Eustachio Colombo 42 C 48 R Feature 53 W Opinion 58 C 62 L hy Do We Need " Transdisciplinarity " ?* Marcus R. Wigan ounteracting the Global Labor Shortage Risk Through the Human-AI Collaboration in Digital Recruiting Olena Linnyk and Ingolf Teetz especting and Protecting Cultural Values in an Indigenous Virtual Reality Project Steven Mills and Holger Regenbrecht alling in the System: Rethinking Approaches to National Security and Intelligence Mariana Zafeirakopoulos Commentary ooking at Securitization as a Sociotechnical Activity: Lessons From a Cold War Past for AI Futures Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson *Refereed articles. ISSN: 0278-0097