PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Robert Dent Welcome New SSIT BoG Members s each year closes and another year begins, changes are always part of the t r a n s i t i o n . T hree Members-at-Large finished their terms at the end of 2019. They are Michael Cardinale, Ramalatha Marimuthu, and Howard Wolfman. I thank them for their hard work, dedication and their volunteer spirit. Mike will rejoin the Board of Governors as Division IX Representative and a voting member. Howard will continue as the SSIT Treasurer. Ramalatha will be stepping back from A her role as the Chair of the Chapters Committee. She will be missed because of her proactive actions in the SSIT Chapters area. For 2020, we welcome Clint Andrews to the Board as the President-Elect for one year. He will assume the Presidency in 2021 for a two-year term. The SSIT membership elected three new Members-atLarge for three-year terms on the Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2020.2967482 Date of current version: 2 March 2020 SSIT Board of Governors starting in 2020, and they are Miriam Cunningham, Joseph Herkert, and Katina Michael. I wish all of these new members success in their respective roles. Author Information IEEE SSIT President Bob Dent can be reached at IEEE SSIT Online Resources For more discussion of Technology and Society topics, please visit our website and social media pages: * Website: * Facebook: * Twitter: * LinkedIn - Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2020.2973729 MARCH 2020 ∕ IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE 1