IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - September 2022 - 46

Technological Stewardship and Responsible Innovation
healthcare, this could lead to conflicts between
HCPs and A/IS-related technologies. When conflicts
arise and both sources are believed to be equally
credible, users will select information from an agent
that closely conforms to their mental models of
illness, that is, folkmedical beliefs.
The folkmedical tradition has its own unique
problems given the interdisciplinary and nonexpert
contributions. Without regulation, users on social
media and the internet can find both health information
and dis/misinformation. Misinformation is
likely to present the most common problem given
failures of knowledge translation due to users' (or
of the methods, analysis, and interpretation
of evidence within the institutionalized healthcare
system. Users will likely rely on their own mental
models of disease and disseminate information
that either confirms these models or disconfirms
beliefs that are contrary to their own. Indeed,
COVID-19 has already demonstrated the associated
issues such as formal conspiracy theories between
nations (e.g., the U.S. military introduced the virus
to China [67]) and misinformation spread by users
concerning the severity and prevalence of the virus
and the efficacy and outcomes of vaccination. Notifications
and behavioral nudges alone are likely to
be insufficient in stemming these behaviors due
to their source (i.e., extrinsic) and methods (i.e.,
momentary priming).
ssH consisTs of both institutionalized and folkmedical
technologies. Institutionalized technologies
benefit from being developed and used within an
expert community that can scrutinize the operations
of these systems. Folkmedical technologies represent
a heterogenous set of systems that are adopted due
to folk beliefs that they can provide reliable information
and recommendations. While trust in systems
can be a result of an understanding of their utility
based on numerous criteria (e.g., accuracy, reliability,
speed, and cost efficiency), trust can also be
(and often is) based on a technology's association
with professional communities, that is, prestige technologies.
Folkmedical technologies create numerous
social and ethical issues in that their adoption
might lead users to devalue or neglect institutionalized
healthcare, promoting reliance on folk medical
beliefs, and lead to greater vulnerability of sensitive
health information and behavior. Greater monitoring
and regulation of these technologies is required to
maintain public trust and promote patient safety. 
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IEEE Technology and Society Magazine

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - September 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - September 2022

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