IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - September 2023 - 51

that is associated with cyberoperations increases the
ethical ambiguity of conflict, erasing any clear ethical
affordances that are typically used to define warfare.
Contemporary conflicts, such as the Azerbaijan-
Armenia War and Russian-Ukraine Wars, exemplify
a new kind of warfare. The Russian-Ukraine War
represents the contemporary embodiment of Total
War as there is little to no differentiation between
the objects, events, and persons that differentiate
warfare from peace. Total warfare is a wholistic
phenomenon and must be considered in terms of
its sociotechnical system. Contemporary Total War
has multiple physical and virtual vectors that can be
exploited, leading to ambiguity.
Here, I Have argued that the use of a TWM has
increased in the security language used in many
nations. The TWM starts with an assumption concerning
the ubiquity of " cyberwar. " Assuming that
state and nonstate actors are in perpetual conflicts,
this presents an inherently oversimplified model
of international relations that can lead to Hobbesian
assumptions of a war of all against all (bellum
omnium contra omnes). It is only by considering how
the metaphors of cyberwar and Total War reduce the
salience of the ethical affordances of warfare that we
can begin to better manage and deescalate conflicts
in an entangled world.
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IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - September 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - September 2023

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