FEATURES Adaptive Software Development Covered Not Covered Agile Modeling Project Management Process Practices/Activities/Workproducts Practices/Activities/Work Crystal Family of Methodologies Dynamic Systems Development Method 28 Extreme Programming Feature-Driven Development Open Source Software Pragmatic Programming Phillip A. LaPlante U.S. licensure rules for software designers inhibit U.S. and international software development. Rational Unified Process System in Use Acceptance Test System Test Code Integration Test Design Unit Test Concept Creation Scrum Requirements Specification An International Perspective on U.S. Licensure of Software Engineers 31 Value Integration: From Educational Computer Games to Academic Communities William J. Frey and José A. Cruz-Cruz Applying techniques from software development to ethics reverses the usual relation and allows ethics to learn from other disciplines. 36 Intelligent Technologies for Self-Sustaining, RFID-Based, Rural E-Health Systems* Stanley Chia, Ali Zalzala, Laura Zalzala, and Ali Karimi Radio frequency identification offers recordkeeping efficiency benefits for rural health care systems in developing countries. 44 Empowering Community Health Workers with Technology Solutions* Brianna Buehler, Rene Ruggiero, and Khanjan Mehta This community empowerment model promotes sustainable health interventions, leading to economic benefits. 53 An Argument Against "No-Look Texting" While Driving* 60 Robots and the Internet: Causes for Concern* 66 Govcloud: Using Cloud Computing in Public Organizations* 73 Heuristics and Biases: Implications for Security Design* Robert Rosenberger Even hands free texting while driving is dangerous and should not be legalized. Jason Borenstein and Keith Miller A malicious actor could cause serious harm by manipulating how a robot functions. Óscar Diez and Andrés Silva Why have governments been slow to adopt the use of the cloud? Vaibhav Garg and Jean Camp Behavioral and rational economic models can improve the design of security technologies. *Refereed articles. Cover image: U.K. Department for International Development/Wikimedia Commons 2 | IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE | SPRING 2013