IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Spring 2013 - 26
engineers we take pride in asserting that engineer‑
skills in problem‑solving to promote peace" [23]. The
ing performs admirably well when confronted with
engineer's determination to commit herself to peace
technical challenges. Furthermore, the products of
engineering, Vesilind adds, "can be based on any
engineering radically alter people's environments and
number of considerations, religious to political...," a
everyday lives. But the quest to gain an appreciation
remark that speaks to an earlier point regarding the
of engineering's social role prompts "bigger" ques‑
heterogeneity of deliberations that give essence to
tions; questions often associated with rethinking the
engineering projects. For example, religious consider‑
engineer's identity.
ations have prompted engineering professors teaching
My position is that the essence of engineer‑
at Baylor University in Waco, Texas to identify the
ing reflexivity is the study of conditions in which
"Christian engineer," who would be "committed to
engineering and society optimally
the ethical and moral aspects inherent in
complement each other. Sharon Beder,
"Disinterested" humans as imago dei (image of God)."
for example, who teaches engineer‑
Consequently, according to the authors,
reflexivity is a
ing in Australia, argues that there is an
"a greater care (responsibility) for the
"deeper" kind
apparent need for the "new engineer, a
impact of engineering design should be
of reflexivity,
practitioner "who is aware of the social
evident" [7].
dimensions and context of engineering
Educators are particularly concerned
one that is
work and takes responsibility for its
about fostering a new engineering iden‑
meant to go
consequences" [1]. Along those lines,
tity through a transformation of how
beyond some
engineers in Canada have been writing
engineering students and professors
of the structural alike are taught. Already in the mid
since the early 1990s about the impor‑
tance of creating the "preventive engi‑
nineteen‑nineties, researchers com‑
neer" who designs engineering projects
pared changes in engineering curricula
to socially
"in a negative feedback mode so as to
internationally, foreshadowing the edu‑
improve [their] compatibility" with
cation of the "renaissance engineer"
society, political life, and the natural
[10]. Still, the identity of the substitute
environment [20]. Canadian engineers
practitioner is far from clear. As Euro‑
have also built on this work to define the "adaptive
pean commentators have pointed out, the new engi‑
engineer." The adaptive engineer advocates preven‑
neer's profile "is not just a summing up of knowledge
tive engineering. She/he "has increased awareness or
and skills, but rather an indication of potential and
reflexivity," is "a broad thinker who strives for mul‑
directions in a developmental process" [4]. Bordo‑
tidisciplinary and interdisciplinary interactions," and
gna et al. for instance, envision the restructuring of
"works for social justice." In addition, she/he shall
engineering curricula "based on the notion that the
be "community‑focused" and would make "decisions
engineer's essential role in organized society is an
through Learning Alliances" [21].1
integrative one, i.e., emphasizing 'construction of the
Social concerns have been articulated by peter T.
whole'" [2]. Graso et al. have posed the core question
robbins, a policy scholar, who believes that "reflex‑
of whether "we can truly educate broad‑based, holis‑
ive engineers approach development problems with a
tic engineers without 'watering down' technically rig‑
fluid understanding of the ways in which technolo‑
orous engineering coursework" [12]. The department
gies fit and co‑evolve within social systems" [17].2
of Humanitarian Engineering at the Colorado School
Likewise, Aarne Vesilind, the American engineering
of Mines typifies this effort to produce engineers that
professor who has written extensively on ethics and
"will try to balance technical excellence, economic
the environment, purports that it is time to define the
feasibility, ethical maturity and cultural sensitivity"
"peace engineer;" one who would employ "technical
The arena of re‑engineering engineering educa‑
tion is also home to an interesting debate between the
"globally competent engineer" and the "local engi‑
The concept of "Learning Alliances" resonates nicely with Trevelyan's
neer." On one hand, the former "is someone who has
[18, p. 190] description of engineering practice on the basis of "distributed
progressed beyond... 'awareness skills,' which are
expertise" [18]. The idea here is that "human performance and social inter‑
actions lie at the core and constrain engineering outcomes just as material
achieved through the acquisition of knowledge, to
properties constrain the feasible height of buildings."
achieve 'process skills,' which include a combination
"The reflective Engineer," is also the name of a project initiated in 2007
of intellectual and behavioral capacities to integrate
by Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and SEEK, a royal Institute of Tech‑
new forms of knowledge into everyday practices of
nology student organization. In addition, "reflective Engineering" was the
engineering work" [6]. Yet critics remark that "focus‑
name of a panel at the Biennial Meeting (May 26‑29, 2011) of the Soci‑
ety for philosophy and Technology. The aim of the panel is to "encourage
ing on global thinking is often mixed up with the
reflection on engineering, engineers and technology by both philosophers
hubris of utopian thinking and fixing the world..."
and engineers."
SprING 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Spring 2013
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Spring 2013 - Cover1
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Spring 2013 - Cover2
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Spring 2013 - 1
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - Spring 2013 - 2
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