GUEST EDITORIAL Katina Michael M.G. Michael Jai C. Galliot Socio-Ethical Implications of Implantable Technologies in the Military Sector Nanotechnology in the Military Sector he military sector has been investing in nan- otechnology solutions since their inception. Internal assessment committees in defense programmati- cally determine to what degree com- plex technologies will be diffused into the Armed Forces. The broad term nanotechnology is used in this Spe- cial Issue of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine to encompass a variety of innovations, from special paint markers that can determine unique identity, to RFID implants in humans. With the purported de- mand for these new materials, we have seen the development of a fab- rication process that has catapulted a suite of advanced technologies in the military marketplace. These tech- nologies were once the stuff of sci- ence fiction. Now we have everything from exoskeletons, to wearable head- sets with accelerated night vision, to armaments that have increased in durability in rugged conditions along with the ability for central com- mand without human intervention. Is this the emergence of the so-called super-soldier, a type of Iron Man? T from the 9th Workshop on the Social 4) What might be some of the side Implications of National Security, effects experienced by person- co-convened by the authors of this nel in using nanotechnology de- guest editorial. The workshop focused vices that have not yet been specifically on human-centric im - tested under conditions of war plantable technologies in the military and conflict? sector. Key questions the workshop 5) How pervasive are nanotech- sought to address with respect to nologies and microelectronics implants included: (e.g., implantable technologies) 1) What are the social implications in society at large? of new proposed security tech- More broadly the workshop sought nologies? to examine socio-ethical implications 2) What are the rights of soldiers who are con- tracted to the defense forces in relation to the adoption of the new "We have seen the development technologies? of a fabrication process that has 3) Does local military law override rights provided catapulted a suite of advanced under the rule of law in a given jurisdiction, and technologies in the military what are the legal impli- marketplace. cations? Social Implications: Key Questions This special issue is predominant- ly based on proceedings coming Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2017.2670219 Date of publication: 6 March 2017 march 2017 Rob Nicholls ∕ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 7