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to dehumanization, because people
are turned into numbers as technology and humans blend [3]. While
our respondents may agree that
technology is turning people into
numbers, they say that rFID tags
are not the only technologies to do
this, and are certainly not the first.
They also don't consider implanted
identification tags to differ significantly from external devices with
similar functions.
For those who see the rFID
as an upgrade to their body, the
implant makes them feel special.
The rFID implantees in our study
perceive the blending of technology
with the human body as expanding
the range of human capacity, rather
than diminishing humanity, as the
critics would have it. The research
illustrates that a simple rFID
implant is not solely about adding
convenience to one's life, but also
about upgrading the self. From this
we might garner insight in to the
significance that may be acquired
by future human enhancement.
While the functionality of an
enhancement is obviously important, enhancement technologies can
also be appreciated for the mere
fact of being an enhancement. The
debate around human enhancement technology should not only
be about what the technology can
do, but also what the enhancement
means to the individual.
This work has shown that the
different outcomes of the domestication of a technology - normalization vs. enhancement - are
essential in explaining the meaning
of implants for its users. Technology, in that sense, is no different
from any other "text." It acquires
meaning through its usage and
interpretation, both of which are
situated in particular individual and
cultural circumstances.

Author Information
Sandra Wagemakers is with Tilburg university, Tilburg, The



Liesbet van Zoonen is with
Erasmus university rotterdam and
Loughborough university, Leicestershire, u.K.
Georgina Turner is with the university of Liverpool, Liverpool, u.K.


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