Volume 36, Number 2, June 2017 on the cover: Graeme Clark, the inventor of the CoChlear implant, with Bryn Davey anD SCott Smith, the firSt two ChilDren in the worlD to reCeive the DeviCe. photo: Herald Sun (auStralia), 1986. SPECIAL ISSUE ON 2016 NORBERT WIENER IN THE 21ST CENTURY THINKING MACHINES IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD Features 50_ 60_ 67_ 76_ Gendered Robots - Implications for Our Humanoid Future* Simone Alesich and Michael Rigby Imagining a "Bot"aful Life - Robots as Caregivers, Humans as Clients* Kimberley Trynacity Self-Driving Cars - Ethical Responsibilities of Design Engineers* Jason Borenstein, Joseph Herkert, and Keith Miller How a Drug and Explosives Detector Proved Useless* W. Luis Mochán and A. Ramírez-Solís * Refereed articles. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2017.2698999 Date of publication: 8 June 2017 2 IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ June 2017