How a Drug and Explosives Detector Proved Useless Andrés Tonini. CreATive Commons ATTribuTion-shAre Alike 2.0 GeneriC. Military Use of the GT200 Police officer holding ADE 651, September 2012. W. Luis Mochán and A. Ramírez-Solís T Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2017.2696601 Date of publication: 8 June 2017 76 1932-4529/17©2017IEEE he GT200 device has been extensively used by the Mexican armed forces to remotely detect and identify substances such as drugs and explosives. A double blind experiment was performed to test its efficacy. In seventeen out of twenty attempts, the GT200 failed in the hands of certified operators to find more than 1600 amphetamine pills and four bullets hidden in a randomly chosen cardboard box out of eight identical boxes distributed within a 90 m × 20 m ballroom. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ∕ june 2017