Towards a New Vision of Rurality in Colombia Maximiliano Bueno-López and Sandra Garzón Lemos Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2017.2763479 Date of publication: 5 December 2017 DECEMBER 2017 ∕ BUENO-LÓPEZ Electrification in Non-Interconnected Areas I n recent years, different energy projects have been developed in the rural sector in Colombia. The projects' goal is to provide clean technologies to people in remote areas in order to increase their productive capacities and improve their quality of life. Production processes in these areas stimulate economic growth, generating new income alternatives that result in social well-being. However, implementing these processes is difficult. The communities do not have continuous and reliable power systems and electricity service, or even worse it IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE 1932-4529/17©2017IEEE 73