TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 18

Careers in AI Mission
REFLECT: Is there
a specific role
you're curious
about or considering?
* What part of AI do you
find the most exciting or
Is it robots, self-driving
cars, or something else?
* What kind of job would
you like to have in the
future that involves AI?
* Why does that job interest
* What skills do you need
to learn if you want to
work with AI?
How can you start
learning those skills now?
* How might working with
AI involve teamwork?
Why is it important to
work well with others in
AI careers?
* How can creativity be
important in developing
AI technologies?
Can you think of a
creative way AI could be
* What challenges do you
think people working in AI
might face?
How would you
overcome those
Careers in AI
There are many exciting careers in the field of
AI, each playing a crucial role in developing and
advancing artificial intelligence technologies. Here are
some key roles:
* AI Engineer: Builds cool AI tools and systems to solve real-world problems,
such as creating smart apps and gadgets.
* Machine Learning Engineer: Creates and improves smart models
that assist machines in learning and improving their performance, often
collaborating with data scientists.
* Data Scientist: Examines large amounts of data to find patterns and uses
smart techniques to help people make good decisions.
* Data Engineer: Sets up and maintains the systems that collect and store
data, ensuring everything runs smoothly.
* Robotics Engineer: Designs and builds robots that can-do tasks on their
own, using AI to make them smart.
* AI Research Scientist: Studies and invents new ways to make AI even
smarter, working on cutting-edge projects.
* AI Product Manager: Ensures that AI products are useful and meet
people's needs, overseeing their development and launch.
* AI Solutions Architect: Designs and assembles AI systems, ensuring their
compatibility with other technologies.
* AI Ethics Consultant: Ensures AI is used fairly and responsibly, addressing
issues like bias and transparency.
* AI Trainer: Prepares and organizes data to teach AI models, making sure
the information is correct and useful.
These roles require a mix of technical skills, creativity, and a deep understanding
of AI principles. If you're interested in pursuing a career in AI, there are many
paths you can take, each offering unique opportunities to contribute to this rapidly
evolving field. These are just some of the many ways to get into the world of AI!
If you want to pursue any of these jobs, there are a few college majors that would
be helpful for you to try! Regardless of what path you choose, a computer science
degree can give you a solid foundation in many endeavors that involve AI!
* If you want to focus more on creating AI, you could consider majoring in
information technology or software engineering.
* If you're interested in training the AI or handling the data, then data science,
mathematics, or statistics might be for you!
* Maybe your interest isn't just in AI but in adding it to a robot or something in
the real world. Then you might want to try mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, or any other engineering type.
* Finally, if you like the ethics and morality of using AI, you could go for business
administration, ethics, philosophy, or law.
You can take many different paths if you want to be involved in AI, including some
that aren't even here, so choose whatever interests you the most!

TRYEngineering - AI Adventures

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of TRYEngineering - AI Adventures

TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - Cover1
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 2
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 3
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 4
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 5
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 6
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 7
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 8
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 9
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 10
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 11
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 12
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 13
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 14
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 15
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 16
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 17
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 18
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 19
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - Cover4